LNI technology packs will allow end customers to very quickly create the base configuration required to support the technology in question. Customers are then able to modify or extend this configuration to suit their specific circumstances.
Each pack provides a document that describes in detail the configuration settings to be used and an explanation of how this configuration is used within LNI. The configuration suite consists of a document describing the concepts and its alignment with LNI model, including an example network, a configuration meta rules package, that can be automatically loaded into LNI application and also a script that can automatically create a sample network within LNI database.
GPON Technology Pack
This Technology Pack offers LNI configuration suite for GPON networks. It utilises Logical Network Inventory data model and adds a set of meta-rule definitions introducing GPON technology using the acknowledged standards. LNI Configuration in this technology suite follows Broadband Forum’s TR-156 Issue2 specification and it is also aligned with Metro Ethernet Forum Carrier Ethernet 2.0 standard. This enables operators to manage and capture network resources using a unified model.
MEF Carrier Ethernet Technology Pack
This Technology Pack provides configuration information and rules for MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 services for Logical Network Inventory. It uses Logical Network Inventory data model and adds a set of meta-rule definitions for managing CE2.0 services. LNI Configuration in this Technology Pack follows Metro Ethernet Forum’s Carrier Ethernet 2.0 specifications. Wide acknowledgment of this standard and growing Ethernet utilization should provide broad applicability of this Technology Pack.
About Smallworld Logical Network Inventory
Smallworld Network Inventory software, from GE Energy, offers leading service providers intelligent inventory to control the deployment of their network. The combination of spatially accurate inventory, integrated design intelligence and strategic decision support is critical to business survival. Logical Network Inventory is a network modeling tool that enables you to document, plan and manage telecommunications networks. It provides you with the tools to model the infrastructure of your network and to effectively manage the bandwidth within it.