Do these problems sound familiar?

  • Your company works with a lot of paper documents or scans. Data from these documents need to be entered into a computer system daily.
  • Manual data transcription is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to errors.
  • Your full-time employees spend too much time moving data, and their work is inefficient.
  • Moving data is monotonous and results in high employee turnover. This, in turn, leads to expensive recruitment processes. The newly employed work with lower effectiveness.

Introducing iDoc

iDoc is a solution using AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) algorithms to…

  • automatically read and categorize document scans
  • and fill out databases in company systems with correct information.

How does iDoc work?

An employee loads scans into iDoc
The system automatically categorizes documents and reads the information contained in each document

Both AI and an employee verify extracted data

Data is sent to other systems

iDoc replaces the process of manually transcribing information from documents into databases

The algorithm reads the information in the document and recognizes (categorizes) the document type. Next, it collects data contained in the document and saves them in iDoc’s database. Then, this database can be integrated with other databases and systems in your company.


iDoc is available on-premise or as a cloud service.


iDoc’s database can complement your existing database or remain a standalone database.


Manual versus automated data entry

During a single working day


A person can categorize about 3100 document pages.


An AI algorithm can categorize over 30 000 pages with at least 96% accuracy.*


A person can read and enter about 2000 attributes into a database.


An AI algorithm can read and enter ten times as many attributes (about 20 000), maintaining approx. 85% accuracy.*

*100% accuracy can be ensured by a person verifying automatically processed data

What kind of information can iDoc read?

iDoc reads documents to recognize all types of information defined for a particular document category. This includes:

Address data (postal addresses, plot numbers, precinct numbers, etc.)

Dates and periods of validity

Other dates in a document

Details about objects in a document
(object name, quantity, type, area, size, etc.)

Data about contracting parties
(company names, owners, representatives, notaries, social security numbers, etc.)

Numbers identifying contracts and others (investment documentation, land and mortgage registries, commissions, etc.)

Information about the contract’s subject (legal status, contract type, termination notice, etc.)

Information about payments (net and gross prices, recurring payments, etc.)

Other detailed data

The range of extracted information can be expanded with more document categories and data types according to your business or industry needs.

How do we ensure the security of your data?

We emphasize the security of our solutions and the protection of our customers’ data. We follow security recommendations and best practices derived from ISO 27001, NIST, and other standards.

In the software development process, solutions are tested according to the OWASP TOP10 and OWASP ASVS methodologies. We use static code analysis, vulnerability verification of images, and of third-party components.

We adhere to a strict separation between development and production environments, to which only solution administrators have access.
Administrative access is protected by two-step verification, with phishing-resistant authentication methods.

We use full separation of each of our client’s data, which prevents unauthorized access by individuals from another organization.

Would you like to know more about extracting information from documents using artificial intelligence? Check out our blog.

Read the article

Who is iDoc for?

iDoc is a solution for you if…

Every day, your company produces many pages of documents related to operational processes. Data from these documents are manually imported to different systems.
Your company owns vast archives of paper documentation, and the data has to be entered into an IT system.

iDoc will bring desired results in companies that own many paper documents and need the data to be entered into computer systems in order to be further processed and used for daily work.

Examples of such companies:

Insurance companies


City halls and municipal offices

Property, geodesy, or accounting departments at companies from the following industries:


District heating

Oil & gas

Water and sewage utilities



Advertising and communications

Real estate

and others

You don’t see your industry but own large paper documentation archives and want to digitize them? Contact us!

A solution tailored to your specific needs

iDoc is based on AI/ML algorithms that can be trained depending on your needs. This is why the solution can be adjusted to read different document types specific to various industries or even a particular company.

Examples of application areas

Documentation on land rights

Reads data from formal and legal documents such as:
- notarial acts
- lease/rental agreements
- lending agreements
- easement agreements

As-built technical documentation

Reads information in as-built investment documentation and builds models of network objects and their data

Road occupancy permits

Reads documents with decisions regarding road lane occupancy

Real estate lease documentation

Reads and categorizes documents regarding real estate rental

What can you achieve with iDoc?

5 to 10 times faster data entry from documents into a database

thanks to automation

Facilitated access to up-to-date, detailed information from documents

quick and easy attribute search

More complete databases

easy process of data entry equals more digitized documents

Improved data quality

eliminated human errors

Accelerated processes at your company

due to effortless and faster access to real-time data

Increased control over processes

insights derived from documents help to control schedules, key dates, issued decisions, etc.

Better use of your employee potential

employees can use the time they spent on tedious data entry on more rewarding tasks

Lower recruitment and training costs

lower turnover of employees who work on data entry

Better management of working time

iDoc can process documents outside of working hours (during the night and without taking breaks)

See how iDoc can improve your company operations

iDoc provides convenient and fast access to in-depth, up-to-date information in paper documentation. Use its full potential, improve your company management, and make better strategic decisions.

Would you like to see your documentation on a map?

If your company owns documentation related to geographically dispersed objects, accessing document folders through a map can significantly improve your work.
You can achieve this with LocDoc, another solution using AI/ML for automatically reading and categorizing scanned documents. Based on identified location, it places documents on a map creating a spatial database.

network digital twin

iDoc and LocDoc are a part of the GlobIQ platform for building and maintaining digital network asset models.

Discover all the possibilities of GlobIQ

Frequently asked questions:

What is the licensing model?

Sales model and the place where the architecture is maintained:

• On-Premises.

• SaaS

An example in a SaaS solution

Price components (per month):

Infrastructure maintenance, administration and technical support:

Dependent on:

• number of licenses,

• SLA level,

• infrastructure

Variable fee for document processing (OCR, Categorization, Reading attributes):

Dependent on:

• number of pages,

• amount of information to reading

Number of pages to be used.

• Specified quantity pages / year

• % discount for buying a package for 1 or 2 years

Can you process cityhall building permit, ID and property deed?

Yes, we can build models to read these types of documents

Does one model cover all requirements in iDOC? Or do we have one model for one requirement?

We train a separate model for each attributeinformation. Same for each document category. 

Is the application GUI available in Romanian ?

Currently no. Within a week we can prepare such a GUI. We need another week to isolate the next version of the system and instal it on MV.

Do we train models based on user decisions changing the choice of AI? What does this procedure look like?

iDoc does not have a user interface where it could configure the models itself. This is a complicated activity. To maintain a minimum level of effectiveness, the models are created and trained by Data Science specialists from Globema.

Let’s talk about your business needs and challenges!

Contact us – our consultant will be happy to help you.

    The Controller of your personal data is Globema sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw. You have the right to access your personal data, the right to rectify it, the right to restrict its processing, the right to data erasure and data portability, as well as the right to object to the processing of your personal data. Detailed information on the processing of your personal data are provided in the Privacy Policy.