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Location Analysis: Strategizing for Success in New Investments

By April 11, 2024July 12th, 2024Services

In today’s fiercely competitive retail and service sectors, identifying the perfect locations for new stores and service outlets is paramount to business strategy. Harnessing the power of geospatial data is proving to be a game-changer, enabling companies to make more precise and informed decisions.

In earlier articles, we delved into the utilization of geospatial data and the GIS GeoGrid tool in areas such as insurance (scoring calculations) and efficient property rental management. However, the applications of geospatial data extend beyond these examples.

GIS solutions provide invaluable insights across diverse domains. One significant application involves identifying optimal locations for new developments. They may range from retail stores, restaurants, and cafes to gyms, service outlets, and even electric car charging stations.


In a nutshell, spatial data analysis is indispensable wherever location significantly influences a place’s popularity and subsequent profitability.

Leveraging insights gained from thorough data analysis when selecting the ideal location for a new investment minimizes the risk of failure. It also maximizes the prospects for the venture’s success and sustained business growth.

Uncovering the ideal location for your new investment through spatial data analysis

Analyzing surrounding areas

Searching for the perfect location for new stores or service outlets entails a thorough examination of the neighborhood’s landscape. This includes assessing existing retail establishments and competing service providers in the vicinity. How close is it to the nearest shopping center, store, gym, or other relevant service outlet?

Transport infrastructure holds equal significance. Evaluating proximity to tram stops or train stations, and gauging ease of access and parking options for both cars and bicycles are crucial factors. Well-connected locations not only attract local customers but also broaden their appeal to a wider audience, potentially drawing customers from greater distances and thereby enhancing the location’s outreach.

Particularly within the realms of ventures such as stores, cafes, and restaurants, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the surrounding area when contemplating the opening of a new establishment. Is it a bustling city center, teeming with heavy foot traffic? Are there prominent public buildings nearby, such as hospitals, offices, or schools? Does the area attract a substantial number of tourists? Alternatively, is it situated within an office district, primarily catering to office workers, or nestled within suburban neighborhoods where the clientele predominantly comprises local residents? Is the area characterized by single-family or multi-family housing? What is the size of the population within the vicinity of the considered location?


Selecting a site for electric car charging stations poses a unique challenge as it necessitates verifying the availability of the technical infrastructure required for charger connectivity in the area.

All these factors, essential for assessing the suitability of a new investment location, are intricately linked to the geographical position of a site and its interaction with the surrounding environment.

Presenting the compiled information on a map within the GIS application GeoGrid enables easy observation of these interdependencies, facilitating informed decision-making.

Analyzing demographic and economic factors

Information such as resident count, age demographics, education levels, average income, and household size are crucial factors to consider. This includes whether elderly, young, or families with children are predominant. These factors play a significant role when assessing the potential of a new store or service outlet location. This applies whether it’s a restaurant, flower shop, gym, or similar establishment.

While this information cannot be directly extracted from a map, it can be sourced from internal or external publicly available databases and imported into the GIS GeoGrid system. Once imported, it can be visualized on the map, enabling a comprehensive analysis. Each factor can be depicted on a separate layer within the system, allowing users to easily switch between layers. This capability facilitates a clear visualization of the interrelationships between different factors within the chosen location.

Furthermore, integrating additional data on trends allows for deeper analysis of a location, providing insights into how its potential may evolve over time.

Collecting data in the field

Data sourced from maps and downloaded from external databases can be enriched with additional information vital to a business’s operations but unavailable in public sources. This supplementary data, gathered in the field, can be inputted directly into the GeoGrid GIS system on-site, leveraging the application’s mobile version designed for tablets and phones.

Manually entered information seamlessly integrates into the main system, facilitating real-time updates and the utilization of the most current data for ongoing analyses.


Leveraging data to evaluate the profitability of existing brick & mortar stores and service outlets

Effectively managing a chain of stores or service outlets requires a thorough evaluation of their profitability. With GIS solutions such as GeoGrid, entrepreneurs can analyze the financial performance of each outlet, placing it within its geographic context. This approach facilitates the identification of consumer trends and changes in the business landscape, empowering swift responses to evolving market dynamics.

Moreover, delving into geospatial data using GIS systems helps to identify the crucial factors contributing to the success of the most profitable locations. This valuable insight can then inform the search for new, equally promising sites for future investments.

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Unlocking the benefits of the GeoGrid GIS system for locating new investments

The GeoGrid system simplifies the analysis of data concerning a chosen location through its intuitive map visualization. Layered presentation of information enables swift identification of interdependencies among various factors. Integration with external map services and the FME data integration platform facilitates the creation of advanced data analyses.

These analyses provide comprehensive insights into potential locations, empowering investors to make informed decisions regarding business expansion.

Utilizing GIS GeoGrid in the process of identifying the optimal location for a new investment offers several benefits:

Streamlined assessment of location potential – The user-friendly interface of the application, displaying key data and parameters on a map, simplifies the evaluation process, ensuring more confident estimates.

Reduced risk for entrepreneurs – Companies can conduct precise assessments of a new location’s potential through advanced data analyses, thereby minimizing the risk associated with investment decisions.

Enhanced profitability – Accurate estimation of the potential of store and service outlet locations enables entrepreneurs to select sites with higher profit potential and better return on investment. Detailed data analysis replaces guesswork in investment decisions.

Elevated customer satisfaction – Thoughtfully chosen locations for new stores and service outlets, tailored to customer needs, result in increased satisfaction with a company‘s services. This, in turn, translates into higher profits and fosters business growth.

The utilization of geospatial data and GIS systems presents significant opportunities for businesses to pinpoint optimal locations for stores and other service points, including gyms and electric car charging stations.


Through the analysis of geographic data, businesses can gain deeper insights into the business landscape, enabling swift responses to evolving market conditions. This agility translates into enhanced profitability and competitiveness for the company.

Strategic implementation of GIS technology can prove crucial to your company’s success.

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