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Route planning for diet delivery services

By August 31, 2019October 1st, 2019Services, WorkForce Management

Diet meal delivery has been a booming business for quite some time now (with a perspective to expand). More and more people decide to use this kind of service, as it saves them time and trouble. But what about the people behind it? How to save time and money by planning optimal routes? With GeoTraxx, our solution for route planning it’s easy to deliver the food on time and to keep your clients satisfied. See how you can improve your deliveries – from determining a route to reporting a successful delivery.

A catering company on average has around 150-200 customers. To deliver packages for this number of clients, the company needs 5-6 drivers. Each of them makes around 40 deliveries during a shift. Deliveries are usually made at night between 1:00 am to 8:00 am, or sometimes in the afternoon (4-10 PM). Some companies operate on a larger scale in a few cities.

We can divide the sector into companies that deal only with the production of meals or only delivery, as well as those that combine both of these services. There’s one thing same for every type of the company – a maximum number of locations that a driver can visit, remains around 40.


Problems with deliveries:

With the limited time for the delivery, it is important to avoid anything that can waste the driver’s time. The driver should know intercom code, or how to get to the apartment, where to leave the package, etc. to:

  • successfully get to the location and deliver the package
  • minimalize delivery time.

The driver doesn’t know when a customer will take the package (especially during the night deliveries), as it’s usually left by the door. To make sure the delivery was done by the client’s requirements, it should be documented in case of any doubts or complaints.

How to improve this process?

Implementation of the right route optimization tool can make a huge difference in this business. Besides route planning, it can support monitoring delivery status and report. That results in drivers’ better efficiency and higher quality of the services. GeoTraxx, our app is a perfect solution for route planning in meal delivery services. It fits various business models and has multiple functions geared to making work easier for both logistics and the drivers in charge of deliveries.

GeoTraxx has 2 modules:

  • Logistics app – for route planning and visualizing routes on a map/timeline
  • Mobile app – for drivers

In the mobile app, the driver has a task list, covering every step necessary to finish the delivery from the beginning to the end.

Each task includes customer and the delivery information (such as an address, delivery time, phone, intercom code, security contact, additional information on how to reach the customer.

The app allows collecting photographic documentation that can be instantly sent to the database and archived, notifying the logistic about the completed task. It’s marked as done with the time of delivery. This allows work transparency between the driver and the logistics.

Benefits of route planning in meal delivery services



  • Quick and easy route planning – saving time and effort
  • Real-time tasks visibility on the timeline and maps
  • Automated route optimizing – based on various possibilities and valid traffic data
  • Modifying routes and recalculations
  • Route planning for multiple drivers at the same time


  • Constant access to all information about customers and deliveries
  • Automatic navigation to customer – saving time and energy, especially in case of new locations
  • Photographic documentation – this helps with the customer support and dealing with complaints


  • Automated and transparent delivery process, more effective planning
  • Easy onboarding for new employees – drivers and logistics
  • More flexible managing and development
  • Higher customers satisfaction

GeoTraxx can help you to save the time necessary for route planning, task management, and delivery. It will greatly increase your customer’s experience and quality of service, and they will be much more likely to recommend your company to their friends and family. If you want to learn more about benefits and details regarding the implementation of GeoTraxx, sign up for a dedicated showcase just for your company!