Network inventory supports Polenergia’s growth based on M&A

EL.GIS/Smallworld system in the Pay-As-You-Go model for Polenergia Dystrubucja

Learn how we standardized the network management at one of the largest energy distributors in Poland and how we organized data about 30 areas covering 11 thousand customers.



Industry: Energy
Country: Poland
Product / Service: EL.GIS/Smallworld
Category: Network Asset Management

Polenergia Dystrybucja acts as an independent distribution system operator (DSO) in Poland. The company is a part of the Polenergia Group. The company is one of the largest private distributors of electric energy in Poland, operating within the entire country and creating new distribution areas. Currently, the company renders services of distribution and sale of energy for more than 18,000 consumers around Poland, with an annual volume of distributed energy of 290,5 GWh.

About Polenergia Dystrybucja

Business model

Polenergia Dystrybucja offers complex services of distribution and sale of energy. The distribution service is rendered on various levels of voltage and tariff groups, via modern 110 kV HV/MV step-down substations and MV/lv 15/0.4 kV transformer stations.

Thanks to its wide competencies in project management, the company successfully implements new projects, simultaneously connecting new areas of distribution. Polenergia Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o. directs its offer to customers from all segments, particularly the owners and investors of:

  • special economic zones,
  • shopping centers/malls,
  • office and retail buildings, industrial facilities and warehouses,
  • housing developments.


The company business model is what makes Polenergia different from other DSOs. The model was based on the dynamic network infrastructure development, rapid increase in customer numbers, and operating in many separate distribution areas. The growth was mostly based on taking over the new operational areas with the existing network and expanding it.

Effective management required a system with a single central database that could create an inventory of resources and allow the company to model networks with their topologies and internal object schemes. During the acquisition process, the company has connected new networks with different levels of depreciation, often without access to standardized documentation. This would help to standardize the processes and make the network infrastructure data available for instant, easy access. The implemented system needed to be ready for a systematic growth of the network and support other business processes.

The beginning

In 2016, Polenergia Dystrybucja decided to implement GIS to support network asset management. The main business case was:

Implementing the network asset management system POLDZMS is dictated by the dynamic development and a need for standardizing the operation processes. Due to the organization structure, we need to implement an application supporting the employees to complete their standard DSO operator tasks, mostly in:

  • managing different investment processes related to the existing and new network assets
  • complex management of the connection process, from issuing the connection conditions to acquiring the infrastructure
  • creating a network inventory of the energy network, generating the reports for Energy Regulatory Office, maintaining the up-to-date status of particular investment processes, verifying the budget, etc.
energy solutions

During the tender, Polenergia chose our EL.GIS system based on the GE Smallworld platform. The choice was made based on the system’s functionality as well as an attractive implementation cost.

Another important factor was an option for implementing the Pay-As-You-Go model that suited Polenergia’s business model. It guaranteed low initial costs and developing the tool according to the company and industry’s growing needs. Besides supporting the system maintenance, the agreement was extended with data entry services for the new areas of operation.



During the project, we completed the following tasks:

Implementation of EL.GIS, – the network asset management system

During the project, we delivered and implemented the EL.GIS system based on the leading GIS platform Smallworld from the General Electric company. The system included standard modules supporting development, investment, and maintenance work planning.

El.GIS screen
FME screen

Delivery of FME – the tool for data processing and integration

We also implemented FME, an ETL tool improving the process of processing spatial data from different sources and formats. FME includes a special module for GESUT (Geodetic Records of Public Utilities).

Data migration and building the network model

We captured the data about 30 distribution areas serving almost 11,000 customers. The data model included all voltage levels, cable lines, substations with their equipment, and energy meters.

network data screen

Within the 4 years after the initial implementation, Polenergia gradually modeled the next areas of operation in the system. Currently, it covers more than 70 operational areas that serve more than 18,000 customers on medium and low voltage levels.

Simultaneously, we offered solution support and worked on its development. We created a browser tool for data sharing with external companies, adjusted the data model according to new area requirements, trained the new users, and migrated a production environment to a new hardware platform.

Benefits after a few years of EL.GIS usage

After nearly 5 years of system usage, it’s safe to say that thanks to the solution scalability, EL.GIS remains a highly efficient tool that effectively tackles new challenges. The main benefits include:

Topological network model that allows the company to perform flow and direction supply analyses during the network development and operations phase

Convenient access to the needed data

Easier process of taking over and effectively managing new distribution areas

Shortening the time needed for identifying outage sites and customers affected by the outage

Standardizing company processes

Dariusz Bednarski, the vice-president of Polenergia, emphasizes that the success was based on the unique features of the implemented system. Another important element was the Pay-As-You-Go model that allowed the company to develop and adjust system functions to the growing business needs.

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