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Automated data processing: key benefits and use cases

By December 29, 2023FME

In an era marked by pervasive digitization and technological advancements, data-driven decision-making has become the norm for successful companies.

Data processing, involving the collection, analysis, and cleansing of information, is pivotal in deriving insights that streamline decision-making processes.

The efficiency of data processing significantly influences operational success, and modern technologies, particularly automation, play a key role in enhancing this critical function.

Flaws of manual data processing

Before delving into the merits of automated data processing, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of its manual counterpart.

In the pre-digital age, manual data processing was a necessity, yet it was plagued by time-consuming tasks and a propensity for errors. The limitations included:

Inexact results and low efficiency

Even highly skilled employees are prone to errors in repetitive tasks, impacting the reliability of reports. Automated systems process data much faster, minimizing the risk of errors.

High employee turnover

The tedious nature of manual data processing contributes to high employee turnover, necessitating frequent recruitment efforts.

Disproportionate costs

Manual processing demands significant time and human resources, resulting in substantial spending on salaries.

Poor data availability

Manual processing, especially for digitizing paper documents, leads to prolonged waits for results and incomplete accessibility.

Benefits of automated data processing

Automated data processing is a game-changer for companies, offering unparalleled advantages:

1. Delegating tasks to machines

Automation of repetitive tasks frees up employees’ time for more valuable responsibilities.

2. Eliminating human errors

Specialized tools ensure a consistent format, eliminating errors caused by fatigue or loss of focus.

3. Optimizing and minimizing tasks

Automated tasks are faster and more accurate, allowing companies to focus on critical operations and enhance overall efficiency.

4. Handling large data amounts

Automation enables faster processing of diverse information types, leading to cost efficiencies per transaction.

5. Faster reaction to market changes

Automation enhances flexibility, enabling companies to quickly adapt to dynamic market conditions.

6. Increased profitability

Efficiency gains from eliminating manual tasks and reducing errors contribute to improved resource management and profitability.

Industries benefiting from automated data processing

Banking & Finance

Efficient internal audits
  • Automated data collection streamlines internal audit organization.
  • Predictive analysis and risk forecasting enhance audit efficiency.
  • Improved focus on key areas through automation ensures robust internal controls.
Transaction monitoring and fraud prevention
  • Automation enhances transaction monitoring, ensuring security.
  • Anomaly detection systems identify irregularities for fraud prevention.
  • Integration of external data sources provides a holistic view of transaction patterns.

Telecommunications & Utilities

Strategic network investments
  • Automation enables the generation of high-level network projects, supporting the expansion of existing networks and venturing into new business areas.
  • Automated map generation systems provide visualizations of network coverage, identifying potential dead zones and minimizing risks during construction.
Comprehensive infrastructure insights
  • Automation provides insights into the elements required for network design, supporting the validation of project and as-built data.
  • The process involves topological, quantitative, and attribute changes, enhancing the accuracy of your network information.
Efficient maintenance planning
  • Precise information about network routes and resources allows for efficient management of maintenance works, minimizing downtime and inconvenience for clients.
  • Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems facilitates real-time notifications about downtime dates and keeps clients informed about any changes.
Validating project and as-built data
  • Automation streamlines the verification of changes introduced during the construction phase, ensuring accuracy in network routes and object additions or removals.
  • The process includes acquiring and validating information based on formal documents such as land lease or Right of Way agreements.

Transport and Logistics

Reliable contractor databases
  • Automated verification ensures up-to-date and reliable data on business partners.
  • Systematic monitoring enables swift reactions to changes in contractors’ financial and legal status.
Contractor efficiency and contract compliance analysis
  • Automated data analysis evaluates parameters like delivery times and service quality, and ensures compliance with contract conditions.
Contractor risk evaluation
  • Automated risk categorization highlights areas with significant risk.
  • Automated monitoring of contract compliance improves accuracy in evaluating business partners.
Real-time monitoring of transport routes
  • Integration of GPS and route planning systems enables real-time tracking, increasing control over the vehicle fleet.
  • Automated notifications enable immediate responses to changing road conditions.
  • Comprehensive monitoring and verification of transport routes ensure road safety.


Streamlined project offers and estimates
  • Automation expedites the creation of project offers, estimates, and schedules, optimizing costs and shortening project completion times.
Accelerated design processes
  • Design process automation expedites architecture, engineering, and construction projects, and enables quick adjustments based on client preferences.
  • Flexible modification of projects according to clients’ changing needs.
Construction process management
  • Automation supports all stages of construction process management and enhances logistics, progress monitoring, reporting, and resource management.
Processing and validating project data
  • Automation enables efficient processing and verification of large datasets. It ensures accuracy and consistency, especially with point clouds.
Automated project documentation generation
  • Automating project documentation generation eliminates human errors.
  • Automated updates ensure consistency between data in project documents.
Streamlined team collaboration
  • Integrating systems such as CAD, CAM, and ERP, enables smooth flow of information and streamlines collaboration across different teams.
Energy optimization and eco standards compliance
  • Automation supports energy analyses for sustainable building design. It can also be used to modify projects to comply with ecological standards.


Precise target group definition
  • Automation refines customer segmentation for targeted marketing and adjusts marketing campaigns based on Customer Lifetime Value.
  • Dynamic target groups automatically adapt to changing client preferences.
  • Analysis of buying behaviors identifies correlates between different product categories.
Efficient warehouse management
  • Automated systems for barcode reading and restocking optimize resource management.
  • Intelligent forecasting systems ensure speedy logistics and data accuracy.
  • Automated documentation of product flow streamlines logistics.
Spatial analyses for identifying locations
  • Automated processing of demographic data allows strategic identification of high-potential areas.
  • Integration with market data monitors competition and industry trends.
  • Automated analysis of competition, socioeconomic trends, climate data, and legal limitations enables a thorough evaluation of locations in terms of business profitability.

Pharmaceutical marketing

Precision in marketing campaigns
  • Automated segmentation targets different criteria and enhances the precision of marketing content.
  • Dynamic content customization in real-time based on customer interactions improves effectiveness of marketing messages.
  • Integrating data collection tools enables thorough campaign analysis.
Budget optimization
  • Automation optimizes campaign budget based on real-time A/B testing outcomes, improving campaign effectiveness and minimizing marketing spending.
Consistent database quality
  • Automated data update schedules ensure up-to-date and consistent databases.
  • Data cleaning, normalization, and deduplication improve data quality.
  • Automated data indexing and sorting accelerate the process of searching and querying.

FME Platform for process automation

All the aforementioned processes can be seamlessly achieved with the FME Platform, specifically the FME Flow component. It offers a user-friendly solution for designing, monitoring, and managing processes without the need for programming skills. It offers the best spatial data support among all existing solutions.

Noteworthy features include:

  • Automated task initiation according to schedules,
  • Processing tasks and integrating apps/systems based on external events,
  • Monitoring e-mail servers to detect new messages,
  • Automated notifications and validation of data,
  • Real-time data processing through IoT sensor connections.

Considering an upgrade in your company’s data processing capabilities? Unsure about the best solution for your business?

Reach out to us for a free consultation. Our specialists are eager to provide expert advice tailored to your unique needs.